邁爾士戴維斯Miles Davis / Birth Of The Blue 藍調的誕生 (LP)

商品編號: AAPJ172
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超越被認為是史上最偉大爵士專輯的Kind of Blue,Miles Davis帶來四首全新曲目。調式爵士樂的前身為未來爵士樂的創新奠定了基礎。

Trackingangle.com : 音樂10分、音效10分

AnalogPlanet.com : 音樂10分、音效10分


The once-in-a-generation lineup that recorded these tunes is the very same that would be immortalized for the enduring classic they would record almost a year later, Kind of Blue. Davis played trumpet sublime with his ensemble sextet featuring pianist Bill Evans, drummer Jimmy Cobb, bassist Paul Chambers, and saxophonists John Coltrane and Julian "Cannonball" Adderley.

Undervalued since their recording, the tunes on this album reflect historial and musical significance. They offer early glimpses into the modal jazz that Kind of Blue would bring to the forefront. Using modes common in modern classical music, rather than the chords of popular songs, Miles had begun to experiment with the new approach on the Milestones recording sessions previously.

Side A
1. On Green Dolphin Street
2. Fran-Dance

Side B
1. Stella By Starlight
2. Love For Sale
