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(3CD)威爾第: 歌劇(唐卡羅)
霍斯特.史坦 指揮 維也納國立歌劇院管弦樂團暨合唱團 威爾第根據席勒戲劇所作歌劇《唐卡洛》,故事敘述:西班牙王子唐卡洛預定迎娶法國公主伊麗莎白,沒想到卻被父王菲利浦二世自行娶走,愛人變成繼母;後來兩人重續舊情,被菲利浦二世追殺,最終祖先從墳墓裡顯靈將唐卡洛救走。劇中的重要配角還有:跟唐卡洛情誼深厚的好友羅德利果伯爵,以及單戀唐卡洛的伊波麗公主。此劇原來為巴黎歌劇院所寫版本一共有五幕,十七年後威爾第為了米蘭史卡拉歌劇院的演出,將之刪節成四幕版,本輯演出者就是這個四幕版,取自1970年10月25日維也納國立歌劇院現場實況。除了雅諾薇茲(伊麗莎白)柯瑞里(唐卡洛)瓦契特(羅德利果)賈洛夫(菲利浦二世)之外,連飾唱伊波麗公主的莎莉.維瑞特、飾唱皇后侍女的顧如貝洛娃,均屬巨星級歌手。因此本場演出被維也納權威樂評譽為無與倫比的夢幻組合,至今仍被津津樂道! • Re-issue of a bestseller (ex. C649053) from the ORFEO catalogue • Significant historical recording from 1970 with a magnificent cast of singers The present re-release contains the premiere of the new Don Carlo production from October 1970 in Vienna. The occasion was marked by a great scandal caused by Karajan's fans, who expected their idol to conduct the new production. Karajan, however, entrusted German conductor Horst Stein with the new production and, although Stein – by then for several years repertoire conductor with the Vienna State Opera – had until then been, a favourite of the local audience, on this occasion he was greeted at the curtain call with a torrent of boos, which were completely unrelated to his artistic performance. The singers, by contrast, were cheered to the rafters; the house had hand-picked the cast for this production, right down to the smallest role. The booklet offers detailed information about the scandal and indignation surrounding the premiere, together with archive photographs of the stage set. Disc 1 (60:48) Atto primo 1. Preludio Carlo, il sommo Imperatore 2. lo l''ho perduta 3. E lui! Desso! l''Infante! 4. Dio, che nell''alma infondere amor 5. Sotto ai folti, immensi abeti 6. Nei giardin del bello saracin ostello 7. La Regina! … Un'' arcana mestizia 8. Che mai si fa nel suol francese 9. Io vengo a domandar grazia alla mia Regina 10. Il Re!… Perche sola e la Regina? 11. Non pianger, mia compagna 12. Restate! Presso alla mia persona 13. O Signor, di Fiandra arrivo Disc 2 (71:04) Atto secondo 1. A mezzanotte, ai giardin della Regina 2. Pieta! 3. Carlo! se mai su te fogli importanti serbi 4. Spuntato ecco il di d''esultanza 5. Nel posar sul mio capo la corona 6. Sire! Egli e tempo ch''io viva! Atto terzo 7. Ella giammai m''amo! 8. Il Grand''Inquisitor! 9. Giustizia, giustizia, Sire! 10. Soccorso alla Regina! 11. Pieta! Pieta! perdon! 12. Ah! piu non vedro la Regina! O don fatale, o don crudel Disc 3 (37:08) 1. Son io, mio Carlo 2. Per me giunto e il di supremo 3. O Carlo, ascolta, la madre t''aspetta 4. Mio Carlo, a te la spada io rendo Atto quarto 5. Tu che la vanita 6. E dessa!… Un detto, un sol 7. Si, per sempre! Finale in der fur Wien erarbeiteten Fassung von 1932 Finale in the 1932 version created for Vienna |