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艾瑞克.寇茲: 管絃樂作品第四集
約翰.威爾森 指揮 BBC愛樂管弦樂團 指揮約翰.威爾森的第四集專門介紹艾瑞克.寇茲的音樂以(音樂無處不在 Music Everywhere)做開場, 這是一首鼓舞人心的進行曲, 是由英國第一個獨立電視和廣播服務機構 Rediffusion 所委託創作, 當作電台的主題曲音樂使用. 音樂會華爾茲(舞台燈光四射 Footlights)則是對兩次大戰之間西區(West End)的風采魅力激勵人心的回憶, 創作於第二次世界大戰爆發之前幾週. 結果, 在戰爭期間,對於令人耳目一新, 提振士氣的音樂需求比以往任何時候都更高. 寇茲的'紀念品'(我為你歌唱 I Sing to You)在1940年3月14日首演 - 正是英國實施戰時肉類配給的那一週. 為他的幼兒奧斯汀所寫的(三隻熊 The Three Bears)幻想曲則將金髮姑娘的童話故事(Goldilocks fairytale)強有力的帶入1920年代. (從農村草地到梅菲爾區 From Meadow to Mayfair)反映了寇茲自己從鄉村諾丁漢郡到倫敦生活的過程。1928年創作的(在星空之下 Under the Stars)記錄下科茨在管絃樂配器中首次加入中音薩克斯風. (四個世紀組曲 Four Centuries Suite)是寇茲最具規模的作品之一 - 無論是在長度上還是管弦樂團的規模上. 它的四個樂章讓人想起十七,十八,十九和二十世紀的音樂風格. 此作品是獻給他的妻子菲莉絲,也是他們終其一生對熱愛的舞蹈的慶祝. John Wilson's fourth volume devoted to music by Eric Coates opens with Music Everywhere, a rousing march that was commissioned by Britain's first independent TV and radio service, Rediffusion, for use as its signature tune. The concert waltz Footlights is a life-affirming evocation of the glamour of the inter-war West End, created just weeks before the start of the Second World War. In wartime, as it turned out, the demand for refreshing, morale-boosting music would be higher than ever. Coates's 'Souvenir' I Sing to You was premiered on 14 March 1940 – the week in which wartime meat rationing was introduced in the UK. Composed for his young son Austin, The Three Bears Phantasy transports the Goldilocks fairytale firmly into the 1920s. From Meadow to Mayfair reflects Coates's own journey from rural Nottinghamshire to life in London. Under the Stars, composed in 1928, marks the first inclusion by Coates of an alto saxophone in his orchestration. The Four Centuries Suite is one of Coates's most substantial compositions – not only in length, but also in the size of the orchestra. Its four movements evoke the musical styles of the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries. Dedicated to his wife, Phyllis, the work is also a celebration of the couple's lifelong love of dancing. ERIC COATES Orchestral Works, Volume 4 1. Music Everywhere 3:10 2. Footlights 5:34 3. I Sing to You 3:37 The Three Bears 9:31 4. (''Who''s Been Sitting in My Chair?''/''Qui S''est Assis 0:10 5. (Goldilocks gets out of bed and dresses/Boucle D''or sort de son lit et 0:22 6. (Clock strikes five / Cinq heures) - 0:57 7. (Goldilocks knocks at the Bears'' door / Boucle D''or frappe a la porte 0:55 8. (Goldilocks falls asleep in the small Bear''s Bed / Boucle D''or s''endort 0:49 9. (Enter the Three Bears / Entree des Trois Ours) Allegretto - 0:45 10. (The Three Bears rush upstairs / Les Trois Ours montent rapidement 0:16 11. (She runs away, followed by the Three Bears / Elle s''enfuit, poursuivie 1:12 12. (The Three Bears give up the chase in disgust / Les Trois Ours, 1:02 13. (Goldilocks continues on her way home / Boucle D''or continue son 2:04 14. (As for the Three Bears - / Quant aux Trois Ours - ) Allegro molto - 0:59 From Meadow to Mayfair 12:01 15. I In the Country (Rustic Dance). Allegretto semplice 3:08 16. II A Song by the Way (Romance). Andante moderato - 4:04 17. III Evening in Town (Valse). Allegro - Tempo di Valse allegro - 4:39 Four Centuries 23:07 19. I Prelude and Hornpipe. Seventeenth Century. Andante - 6:11 20. II Pavane and Tambourin. Eighteenth Century. Andante moderato - 5:45 21. III Valse. Nineteenth Century. Allegro - Animato - Moderato - 4:41 22. IV Rhythm. Twentieth Century. Moderato - Piu mosso - 6:14 Total time: 60:37 Orchestra: BBC Philharmonic Yuri Torchinsky leader Conductor: John Wilson |