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奧伯/普蘭奎特/勒柯克: 法國歌劇序曲集 (黑色骨牌/波蒂奇的啞女/科納維爾的鐘聲等)
尼米.賈維 指揮 愛沙尼亞國家交響樂團 19世紀的法國歌劇序曲在多年來曾被某些音樂評論家(和音樂家)輕視 - 主要因為這類曲目背離了對嚴謹音樂格式(如賦格, 奏鳴曲形式等)的歷史堅持. 波西.史克爾斯(Percy Scholes)在1955年出版的(牛津音樂指南 Oxford Companion to Music)中這樣評論:"一種粗俗的但不經常是無效的歌劇序曲類型是混合或綜合曲(pot-pourri or medley) – 只不過是後面演出作品中的一串旋律而已". 這些序曲在它們的時代非常的受歡迎, 因而這類曲目的重現讓人期盼已久. 丹尼爾.奧伯(Dainel Auber)曾創作五十多齣歌劇, 有些是為巴黎歌劇院而寫, 有些則是給喜歌劇院. 他的華麗歌劇(波蒂奇的啞女 La Muette de Portici)曾因為在1830年引發比利時革命而聞名, 導致該國在1839宣布獨立. 科納維爾的鐘聲(Les Cloches de Corneville)是羅伯.普蘭奎特(Robert Planquette)寫的24齣歌劇中最成功的作品, 曾經連續上演了差不多400場. 亞歷山大.勒柯克(Alexandre Lecocq)的喜歌劇(安高夫人的女兒 La Fille de Madame Angot)於1872年在布魯塞爾首演, 故事場景是大革命後的巴黎. 序曲之後按數字編號的是戈登.雅布(Gordon Jacob)大部份是從這歌劇素材重新配器給雷歐尼德.馬辛(Leonide Massine)的芭蕾舞劇(安高夫人 Mam'zelle Angot), 讓芭蕾舞劇緊密的跟隨歌劇情節. The nineteenth-century French opera overture was for many years looked down on by certain music critics (and musicians) – largely as the genre turned its back on the historical adherence to strict musical form (fugue, sonata form, etc.). Percy Scholes, in the 1955 Oxford Companion to Music, had the following to say: 'a cheap but not always ineffective type of opera overture is that of the pot-pourri or medley – little more than a string of tunes from the work to follow.' These overtures were incredibly popular in their time, and the revival of this repertoire is long overdue. Daniel Auber composed more than fifty operas, some for the Paris Opera and some for the Opera Comique. His Grand Opera La Muette de Portici famously sparked the Belgian revolution in 1830, which led to the country's independence in 1839. Les Cloches de Corneville was by far the most successful of Planquette's twenty-four operas, receiving some 400 consecutive performances. Alexandre Lecocq's La Fille de Madame Angot was premiered in Brussels in 1872 and is set in post-revolutionary Paris. The Overture is followed here by numbers put together by Gordon Jacob, in his re-orchestration of material taken mainly from the opera, for Leonide Massine's ballet Mam'zelle Angot, which closely follows the action of the opera. DANIEL-FRANCOIS-ESPRIT AUBER 1. Overture to 'Le Domino noir', S 30 6:55 2. Overture to 'La Muette de Portici', S 16 8:05 3. Overture to 'Les Diamants de la couronne', S 34 6:54 JEAN ROBERT PLANQUETTE 4. Overture to 'Les Cloches de Corneville' 6:08 ALEXANDRE CHARLES LECOCQ Suite from 'Mam'zelle Angot' 40:18 5. Overture. Allegro moderato - Allegro moderato - 2:24 Act I 6. 1 Allegro - Allegro moderato 3:00 7. 2 Allegretto - Piu mosso 1:15 8. 3 Mazurka. [Allegro vivace] 1:14 9. 4 Andantino - Tempo di Valse - Piu mosso 2:57 10. 5 Tempo di Marcia - Coda 1:52 11. 6 Allegro vivace 2:28 12. 7 Allegretto 1:40 Act II 13. 8 Allegro - Tempo di Gavotta - Allegro - Tempo di Gavotta - 1:59 14. 9 Allegretto - Piu mosso - Tempo di Galop - 1:52 15. 10 Allegro - Tempo di Valse - 4:08 16. 11 Allegro - Presto 1:49 17. 12 Adagio 3:46 18. 13 Allegro moderato - Piu mosso - Allegro - Allegro moderato - 6:19 19. 14 Finale. Allegro molto - Vivo 2:51 Total time: 67:36 Orchestra: Estonian National Symphony Orchestra Triin Ruubel leader Conductor: Neeme Jarvi |