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蕭士塔高維契: 第13號交響曲(巴比雅) / 佩爾特: 心靈深處
亞伯.多門 低音男中音 約翰.史托加德 指揮 BBC愛樂管弦樂團 愛沙尼亞國家男聲合唱團 指揮約翰.史托加德備受讚譽的蕭士塔高維契交響曲系列繼續推出這張第十三號交響曲的錄音專輯. 由BBC愛樂管弦樂團和低音男中音亞伯.多門(Albert Dohmen)與愛沙尼亞國家男聲合唱團共同演出. 此交響曲的小標題是'巴比雅', 在1962年12月首演前引起了極大的緊張和爭議 - 不是因為音樂本身, 而是因為其中的詩歌. 蕭士塔高維契選擇為俄國詩人葉夫蓋尼.葉夫圖申科(Yevgeny Yevtushenko)的'巴比雅'譜曲. 在表面上這首詩是對於沒有為被納粹屠殺並被遺棄在基輔附近峽谷的數千猶太人設立紀念碑的憤怒回應, 卻隱含的批評了當時在蘇聯仍然盛行的反猶太主義. 原本是計畫成為一部簡短的清唱劇, 但此作品隨著蕭士塔高維契選擇加入葉夫圖申科其他的詩而逐漸變長, 最後結束時變成五個樂章的交響曲型式. 這些詩就像當時任何蘇聯文學材料一樣, 其語氣幾乎是公開顛覆性的卻又不至於被當局禁止, 但結果的首演卻是一場勝利. 佩爾特的(心靈深處 De profundis)是在1980年寫給男聲, 管風琴和打擊樂的作品. 在這張裡聽到的是作曲家之後在2008年將作品改編成男聲與室內管弦樂團版本. 這首短小的作品是作曲家稱為(鈴聲叮噹作曲法 tintinnabuli)風格和後來被其他人稱為'神聖極簡主義'的一種美學的完美範例. John Storgards's acclaimed series of Shostakovich symphonies continues with this recording of Symphony No. 13. The BBC Philharmonic is joined by the bassbaritone Albert Dohmen and the Estonian National Male Choir. The symphony, subtitled 'Babiy Yar', caused a great deal of tension and controversy in the lead-up to its premiere, in December 1962 – not because of the music, but the poetry. Shostakovich had chosen to set Yevgeny Yevtushenko's Babiy Yar. Ostensibly an outraged response to the lack of a memorial for the thousands of Jews murdered by the Nazis and dumped in a ravine near Kyiv, the poem implicitly criticised the anti-Semitism then still rife in the Soviet Union. Originally planned as a short cantata, the work grew in stature as Shostakovich chose additional poems by Yevtushenko for inclusion, finally settling on the form of a five-movement symphony. The tone of the poems was as near to being openly subversive as any Soviet literary material could be at the time without actually being banned by the authorities, but the eventual premiere was a triumph. Arvo Part's De profundis was composed for male voices, organ, and percussion in 1980. Here we hear the composer's later adaptation of the piece for male voices and chamber orchestra, from 2008. The short work is a perfect example of the style the composer termed 'tintinnabuli' and an aesthetic that others would later label 'holy minimalism'. Part: De profundis 6:55 Shostakovich: Symphony No. 13 in B flat minor, Op. 113 'Babi Yar' 1:02:34 Albert Dohmen bass-baritone I. Babi Yar 16:10 II. Humour 8:34 III. In the Store 12:00 IV. Fears 12:00 V. Career 13:50 Estonian National Male Choir BBC Philharmonic John Storgards |