馬勒/貝爾格/康果爾德等作曲家藝術歌曲集 - 創世之光 - 死亡與復活之歌 薩穆耶.哈森霍恩 男中音 伍卡許.波洛維契 指揮 (波蘭)波茲南愛樂管弦樂團 At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the lied increasingly took on orchestral garb. The boundary with opera became almost impalpable. That is what Samuel Hasselhorn and ?ukasz Borowicz demonstrate here, in a splendid programme mingling smiles and disillusionment, where some of the most characteristic orchestral lieder and operatic arias of this Austro-German 'fin de siecle' era blend perfectly together. SONGS OF DEATH AND RESURRECTION GUSTAV MAHLER (1860-1911) 1 Revelge 06''28 extr. Des Knaben Wunderhorn ENGELBERT HUMPERDINCK (1854-1921) 2 Verdorben! Gestorben! (Fiddler''s aria) 06''42 extr. Konigskinder (Act III, Finale) ERICH WOLFGANG KORNGOLD (1897-1957) 3 Mein Sehnen, mein Wahnen (Pierrot''s Tanzlied) 04''04 extr. Die tote Stadt GUSTAV MAHLER 4 Um Mitternacht 05''31 extr. Ruckert-Lieder HANS PFITZNER (1869-1949) 5 Herr Oluf Op.12 07''51 GUSTAV MAHLER 6 Urlicht 05''44 extr. Des Knaben Wunderhorn ALEXANDER VON ZEMLINSKY (1871-1942) 7 Der alte Garten 04''55 extr. Zwei Gesange WALTER BRAUNFELS (1882-1954) 8 Auf ein Soldatengrab Op.26 04''09 ALBAN BERG (1885-1935) 9 Dort links geht''s in die Stadt (Wozzeck and Marie''s duo) 04''49 extr. Wozzeck (Act III, Scene 2) GUSTAV MAHLER 10 Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen 05''55 extr. Ruckert-Lieder Samuel Hasselhorn, baritone Poznan Philharmonic Orchestra Lukasz Borowicz, conducting Julia Gruter, soprano [9] The Poznan Nightingales Boys'' Choir of the Poznan Philharmonic [2] |