SACD2459 巴哈:漢堡交響曲/奏鳴曲/幻想曲 演奏家藝術古樂團 Arte dei Suonatori/CPE Bach:Instrumental Theatre of Affects(BIS)SACD

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巴哈: 漢堡交響曲/奏鳴曲/幻想曲
馬爾欽.斯瓦克維契 指揮/大鍵琴

Subversive music by C.P.E. Bach that surprises, moves and speaks to us

Following their critically acclaimed recording of Johann Gottfried Muthel's keyboard concertos (BIS-2179), Polish ensemble Arte dei Suonatori and Marcin Swiatkiewicz, who conducts from his instrument, perform the six Hamburg symphonies by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach interspersed with solo fantasias for keyboard. The music of C.P.E. Bach has always been a source of fascination for the listener with its great variety of atmospheres, captivating melodic ideas, irresistible contrasts, surprising interweaving of voices, eccentric harmonies, and extreme dynamic transitions. The six symphonies featured here are no exception, displaying a truly ‘subversive' musical style expressed through extreme contrasts. Owing to the richness of their ideas, the virtuosity and the acuity of the compositional work, these works are considered the crowning achievement of C.P.E. Bach's output. Since these symphonies can be considered as intimate chamber music, they are here performed by a compact ensemble where each musician participates in the interpretation on an equal footing, and everyone is heard. Thanks to the historically oriented performance practices followed here, the Hamburg symphonies and fantasias of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach thus regain the impact they originally had, inspiring awe, and moving hearts.

Instru mental Theatre of Affects
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714—88)
1—3 ) Hamburg Symphony No. 5 in B minor, Wq 182/5 (H. 661) 9''51
4 ) Fantasia in C minor, Wq 63/6:III (H. 75) for keyboard 9''55
5—7 ) Hamburg Symphony No. 3 in C major, Wq 182/3 (H. 659) 10''32
8 ) Fantasia in F major, Wq 59/5 (H. 279) for keyboard 4''53
9—11 ) Hamburg Symphony No. 2 in B flat major, Wq 182/2 (H. 658) 12''23
12—14 ) Hamburg Symphony No. 4 in A major, Wq 182/4 (H. 660) 12''52
15 ) Fantasia (improvised) for keyboard 2''03
16—18 ) Hamburg Symphony No. 6 in E major, Wq 182/6 (H. 662) 9''14
19 ) Fantasia in G minor, Wq 117/13 (H. 225) for keyboard 4''07
20—22 ) Hamburg Symphony No. 1 in G major, Wq 182/1 (H. 657) 12''00
TT: 84''46
Arte dei Suonatori
Marcin Swiatkiewicz harpsichord, pianoforte, conductor