巴洛克頌歌/經文歌 - 荊棘中的百合
漢娜.布拉吉柯娃 女高音 瑪麗安學院合奏團 If we were to travel four centuries back in time, when strolling through Prague streets we would most likely hear from many a house, palace or church some engrossing and catchy songs by Adam Vaclav Michna, one of the greatest Czech Baroque poets. His Christmas songs have become widely known and highly popular. Lesser known is Michna's Czech Marian Music, drawing the listener into the world of poetic hymns praising the Virgin Mary, which formed a significant part of 17th-century Czech music. The album juxtaposes Michna's pieces with works by Alessandro Grandi, Vincenzo Albrici, Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber and Samuel Capricornus, all of them composers who were often in close contact with the Jesuits and drew inspiration from the spirituality practised by the Society of Jesus. Their lives and work were closely linked with the Kingdom of Bohemia, where their music was regularly played. The seemingly simple songs can only be performed in their entire profundity and beauty by excellent musicians. The album has been recorded by internationally renowned artists, who on numerous occasions have demonstrated their extraordinary qualities when performing a most complex music by J. D. Zelenka and J. S. Bach - the soprano Hana Blazikova and Collegium Marianum. We would be hard pressed indeed to imagine more superlative performers of Michna's music. Czech Marian Music - the previously overlooked grace and beauty of 17th-century hymns Alessandro Grandi 1. Ave maris stella 04:03 Adam Vaclav Michna z Otradovic Czech Marian Music 2. Prestastny den narozeni blahoslavene Panny 02:29 3. Maria, Bozi Maticko 02:16 4. Z celeho srdce miluji, tebe, Maria, miluji 03:33 Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber Sonata No. 1 D minor Annuntiatio 5. Praeludium 02:32 6. Aria allegro - Variatio - Adagio - Finale 03:33 Adam Vaclav Michna z Otradovic 7. Poslyste a podivte se, jake jest to veseli! 02:46 Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger 8. Canzone prima 04:00 Adam Vaclav Michna z Otradovic 9. Jak jest Maria seznala, ze jest Alzbeta pocala 03:45 Vincenzo Albrici 10. Sonata a due violini e basso continuo 07:37 Adam Vaclav Michna z Otradovic 11. Tecte, slzy, vlahu dejte 04:46 Adam Vaclav Michna z Otradovic 12. Ja Maria, Matka Bozi, ach jake, ach tratim zbozi! 02:27 Adam Vaclav Michna z Otradovic 13. Stala Matka litujici 04:51 Samuel Capricornus 14. Sonata No. 4 04:48 Adam Vaclav Michna z Otradovic 15. Tak tehdy Matka, nas nebozatka opousti? 02:41 Adam Vaclav Michna z Otradovic 16. Radujte se, o Cechove, mariansti sodalove 03:57 |