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(2SACD)羅傑斯&漢默斯坦:音樂劇(奧克拉荷馬!) 約翰.威爾森 指揮 倫敦小交響樂團 奧克拉荷馬!合奏團 羅傑斯與漢默斯坦的音樂劇(奧克拉荷馬!)首度演出是在1943年, 是一個音樂劇史上的重大轉捩點. 這是將戲劇和情節放在重要位置的第一齣音樂劇, 由圓滑可信的人物描繪出故事. 它掃除了根基於歌舞雜耍表演的傳統 – 明星翻筋斗, 漫畫素描和無止盡的一排大腿舞歌舞女郎. (奧克拉荷馬!)的確有舞蹈特色, 但是在舞蹈指導艾格妮絲.德.米爾(Agnes de Mille)的指導下, 這對劇情而言是慣用的手法, 而且在第一幕快結束時的15分鐘夢幻般的芭蕾舞也是革命性的. 這是首次作曲家和劇作家之間的合作讓該劇大受歡迎, 在百老匯上演了五年多, 並為他們未來的大師級作品奠下基礎. 指揮約翰.威爾森長期以來對研究這段時期的原創音樂劇樂譜有濃厚的興趣, 並將它們翻新呈現給現代聽眾, 以世界首度錄製此完整版(無縮減)原始樂譜的專輯達到一個里程碑, 而且是用羅伯.羅素.班奈特(Robert Russell Bennett)原始配器給29人的管弦樂團的原始製作錄製. 威爾森的評語: "我喜歡此作品的組織結構, 場景變換音樂, 芭蕾舞樂, 有時被簡略的歌曲和背景音樂. 而在如此多非常不同的新版本正在舞台上出現時, 我們有一份真正的原始材料文件變得比以往更重要". Rodgers and Hammerstein's Oklahoma! was first performed in 1943, and was a significant turning point in the history of musical theatre. It was the first musical to put drama and plot to the fore, portrayed by rounded, believable characters. It swept aside traditions that had their roots in vaudeville – star turns, comic sketches, and endless lines of high-kicking chorus girls. Oklahoma! does feature dance, but in the hands of the choreographer, Agnes de Mille, this was idiomatic to the plot, and revolutionary in terms of the fifteen-minute dream-sequence ballet at the close of Act I. The first collaboration between composer and writer, the show was a hit, running for more than five years on Broadway, and paving the way for their masterpieces to come. John Wilson's long-held fascination for researching original musical theatre scores of this period and bringing them anew to modern audiences reaches a milestone with this world premiere recording of the original score in its entirety (no cuts) and in the original orchestrations for twenty-nine-piece orchestra made by Robert Russell Bennett for the original production. His outstanding cast features Nathaniel Hackmann, Sierra Boggess, Jamie Parker, Louise Dearman, Sandra Marvin, Rodney Earl Clarke, Nadim Naaman, and Leo Roberts, ably supported by the 'Oklahoma!' Ensemble – twenty-two artists drawn from London's West End. Wilson comments: 'I love the connective tissue of the piece, the scene-change music, the ballet, the songs that sometimes get cut, the underscoring. And when so many vastly different new versions are appearing on stage, it's more important than ever that we have a document of the actual source material.' Recorded in Surround Sound and Dolby Atmos, the work will be released on double Hybrid SACD and in spatial audio. There will also be a limited edition (1,000 copies) double-vinyl release. RODGERS / HAMMERSTEIN Oklahoma! 99:29 |