CHAN20294 羅伯.繆勒-哈特曼: 室內樂作品集 ARC室內樂團 ARC Ensemble / Robert Muller-Hartmann: Chamber Works (Chandos)

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勞恩 小提琴
哈發 鋼琴
韋伯 大提琴

Robert Muller-Hartmann was born in Hamburg, in 1884, the son of the piano teacher and clarinettist Josef Muller and his wife, Jenny. He studied in Berlin for four years, but then returned to Hamburg where he pursued a successful career combining teaching, composing, and writing. His works were widely performed by conductors such as Karl Muck, Carl Schuricht, Richard Strauss, Otto Klemperer, and Fritz Busch, and regularly played on German Radio. With the advent of National Socialism, in 1933, Muller-Hartmann was forced to resign from his teaching posts at the University and Conservatory. He continued to teach at Hamburg's Jewish girls' school, and was an active contributor to the Judischer Kulturbund (Jewish Cultural Federation). In the mid 1930s, Eugenia and Jacob (Yanya) Hornstein, Hamburg friends of the Muller-Hartmanns, moved to the town of Dorking, some twenty-five miles south of London, and in 1937 the Muller-Hartmanns followed them. The thirteen years Robert spent in England saw the country scarred by the losses, destruction, and privations of war. There was very little time or opportunity for him to secure a place in his adoptive country's musical life, and despite his considerable success in Germany during the 1920s and '30s, his reputation had failed to cross the English Channel. A general antipathy to the inclusion of German musical exiles and his modest, rather retiring personality ensured that he would soon be forgotten.

Chamber Works
premier recordings
Sonata, Op.5 *19:20
for Violin and Piano
Artur Schnabel in herzlicher Verehrung

1.IMasig schnell. Sehr zogernd beginnen - Etwas schneller - Langsam -6:31
Frisch bewegt - Breit - Langsam - A tempo (Hauptzeitmas)

2.IIRuhevoll (aber nicht schleppen) -6:09
Sehnsuchtiger (ohne das Tempo zu beschleunigen) - Nicht eilen -
Erstes Zeitmas

3.IIISehr schnell - Gesangvoll, fliesend - Nicht zu schnell -6:35
In gemessener Bewegung (nicht schleppen) -
Two Pieces 6:21
for Cello and Piano

4.Meditation. Largo - Poco andante - Largo - Andante -3:35
Tranquillo - Largo

5.Elegy. Andante - Poco agitato - Andante2:43

Sonata, Op.32 12:48
for Two Violins

6.ISchnell - Weniger schnell (doch flussig)3:34
Schnell - (Weniger schnell) - Schnell

7.IIKanon. Ruhig bewegt2:42

8.IIIScherzo. Sehr lebhaft - Musig bewegt - Da capo3:26

9.IVSchnell, mit Anmut - Wiegend langsam - Immer langsamer -3:03
Bewegt - Nach und nach schneller - Wie zu Anfang

Three Intermezzi and Scherzo, Op.22 10:01
for Piano

10.Intermezzo I. Etwas bewegt - Breiter werden -2:30
Langsame [dotted crotchet] - Wie zu Anfang -

11.Intermezzo II. Zart, fliesend - Etwas langsamer -1:16
Wie zu Anfang

12.Intermezzo III. Etwas bewegt, wiegend - Sehr belebend -2:43
Ziemlich bewegt - Noch mehr [?] belebend -
Wie zu Anfang

13.Scherzo. Sehr lebhaft - Fast dasselbe Zeitmas - Langsamer -3:31
A tempo - Langsamer - A tempo - Schneller werden -
Sehr lebhaft
String Quartet No.2, Op.38 20:26

14.IAndante tranquillo - Lento - Allegro -7:14
Andante espressivo - Piu mosso -
Andante - Piu mosso - Allegro -

15.IIVivace e scherzando - Poco meno mosso - Tempo I - Presto -4:18
Allegro moderato - Quasi Andante -


17.IVAllegro molto - Moderato - Quasi Adagio -5:51
Allegro moderato - Piu allegro - Lento - Allegro moderato -

Total time: 68:40
Chamber: ARC Ensemble
Erika Raum violin *
Marie Berard
Steven Dann viola
Thomas Wiebe cello
Kevin Ahfat piano
20-22 December 2022