作為一種可以促進健康、保健和精神意識, 瑜伽以冥想具體表現的形式被全世界數百萬人練習著。自古以來,聲音和音樂一直是用來加強練習瑜伽的重要工具。
瑜伽最廣為人知的起源是在大約 5,000 年前的印度。還有一個成立於1970年代,名為埃及瑜珈 (Kemetic yoga)的系統,其靈感來自於埃及象形文字和寺廟牆壁上描繪的姿勢和符號。埃及瑜伽的創始人將其視為與由身體動作、呼吸和冥想的一種獨特型式組成的古非洲瑜伽的連結,並與在印度發展的瑜伽練習有些相似和不同之處。 有一句古老的埃及諺語說:"懂音樂的人,就瞭解宇宙"。同樣地,起源於印度宗教吠陀經的梵文片語Nada Brahma翻譯為"世界是聲音"和"聲音就是神"。 隨著瑜伽在全世界拓展,現代瑜伽練習的配樂已經擴充到包含到來自多樣文化的許多音樂類型。如今,瑜伽教練和練習者經常從全球挑選歌曲作為伴奏,來幫助他們在瑜伽練習中放鬆、平靜、獲得激勵和啟發。 在非洲文化中,音樂因為能支撐生活中的許多場合而受尊重 - 工作、遊戲、娛樂以及出生、婚姻和其他重要事件。有一句辛巴威諺語說,""如果你會走路,你就會跳舞,如果你會說話,你就會歌唱"。大部份的非洲傳統音樂被視為一種活生生的歷史 - 一種包含代代相傳的文化智慧和治療方法的時間膠囊。 此合輯取材於豐富廣闊與多樣性的非洲大陸音樂織錦。這張專輯由有令人平靜旋律的悅耳歌曲組成,圓潤流暢的聲音和深情的旋律感,排序組合來支持瑜伽練習和放鬆。這張(非洲瑜伽)中有天賦的藝術家來自於馬利、塞內加爾、辛巴布威、幾內亞比索、喀麥隆、甘比亞、南非、烏干達和埃及。 Yoga is practiced by millions of people around the world as a form of embodied meditation that supports greater health, wellness and spiritual awareness. Sound and music have been important tools used to enhance yoga practice since ancient times. Yoga’s most commonly recognized origins were in India some 5,000 years ago. There is also a system of yoga called Kemetic yoga, founded in the 1970s, that takes inspiration from postures and symbols seen in Egyptian hieroglyphics and depicted on temple walls. The founders of Kemetic yoga see it as a link to a distinct form of ancient African yoga consisting of physical movements, breathing and meditation with similarities and differences to the yoga practices that evolved in India. There’s an old Egyptian proverb that states, “He who under- stands music, understands the cosmos."" Similarly, the Sanskrit phrase Nada Brahma, with origins in Indian Vedic spirituality, translates as “the world is sound"" and “sound is God."" As yoga has spread around the world, the soundtrack for contemporary yoga practice has broadened to include many genres of music from diverse cultures. These days, yoga instructors and practitioners often curate songs drawn from a global palette as a companion to help relax, soothe, motivate and inspire them during yoga practice. In African cultures, music is honored for its ability to support so many of life’s moments—working, playing, entertaining and accompanying births, marriages and other significant events. There’s a Zimbabwean proverb that states,“If you can walk, you can dance, if you can talk, you can sing."" Much of African traditional music is regarded as a form of living history—a time capsule that contains culture, wisdom and healing passed on from generation to generation. This collection draws from the rich musical tapestry of the vast and diverse African continent. The album consists of harmonious songs with soothing melodies, mellifluous voices and soulful grooves, sequenced to support yoga practice and relaxation. The gifted artists on African Yoga hail from Mali, Senegal, Zimbabwe, Guinea-Bissau, Cameroon, The Gambia, South Africa, Uganda and Egypt. 1.Mako Mady / Ballake Sissoko & Vincent Segal 2.Birth Of a River (Putumayo Version) / Fetsum 3.Kumbatia / Buddha''s Lounge 4.au Revoir / Karim Dabo 5.Ndikhawulele / Berita 6.Na? / Kimi Djabate 7.C''est La Vie / Henri Dikongue 8.Mon amour / Idan Raichel with Vieux Farka Toure 9.Ekanasong / Suntou Susso 10.Miliamba / ablaye Cissoko & Volker Goetze 11.Ndikhethe Wena / ami Faku 12.Land Of anaka / Geoffrey Oryema |