PUT364 義大利夜總會 Vintage Italia (Putumayo)

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從希臘羅馬帝國,文藝復興時期開始,義大利一直都是歐洲文化中心,不論是哲學、文學、藝術、建築、料理、音樂都飽含豐沛的元素與能量。近一個世紀以來,義大利的音樂不斷的融合變化出更多新面貌,從北部有比較多的古典與多重人聲合唱、中部的地中海民謠、最能代表地中海浪漫情調的拿坡里民謠、到南部大量出現的銅管樂隊,到西西里島獨特又神秘的祈禱詩,構成了義大利的主要音樂版塊,經過多年的演化,逐漸融合成為一種既時尚又復古的高品味調調,並透過來自義大利知名影星如Frank Sinatra、Dean Martin 及Louis Prima等人的作品讓全世界為之著迷,這種非常適合個性書店、咖啡廳、藝術展覽空間的音樂就是Vintage Italia。

世界音樂第一名廠Putumayo的Vintage系列廣受好評,包括「Vintage France」,高雅的法式香頌與宴會廳風格,風靡了全世界,「Vintage Latino」描準的是有宴會廳與夜總會高貴質感的拉丁作品。這次同樣好評又推出了這張系列作「Vintage Italia」,收錄了近幾十年來最有質感品味,又兼具復古時尚的經典作品,包括縱橫上個世紀五十年代,唱紅無數電影名曲的影歌雙棲男星Fred Buscaglione,帶點爵士風味的”Boccuccia di Rosa”、及同一時期的女星Flo Sandon's浪漫作品” Flo Sandon's - T'ho Volute Ben (Non Dimenticar)”,立刻把人們帶到那個美好年代。另外同樣也是在上個世紀六十年代演而優則歌的演員Teddy Reno及在上世紀末揚名的音樂家Gianmaria Testa,收錄的都是以帶點優雅高尚質感的Rumba作品。另外來自德國的四人團體Quadro Nuevo及來自美國波特蘭的現代復古團體Pink Martin都展現了拿坡里民謠的精髓。

After the destruction wrought by World War II, it’s no wonder Italians of the 1950s wanted to put the past behind them and enjoy life for a change. The American GIs who filled the post-war bars and nightclubs of Italy’s cities in search of a little R&R (aka Roman Romance) brought with them a taste for the swinging jazz sounds that were all the rage back home. Before rock & roll took the world by storm, cool cats were dancing to big bands like Glen Miller and Benny Goodman. American jazz was as irresistible to Italian teenagers as pizza pie was to New Yorkers, and people from both sides of the Atlantic were looking for a taste of what the other had to offer.

Meanwhile, Italian music was all the rage back in the States. Italian- American stars such as Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Louis Prima were drawing on influences from their ancestral land, hitting it big on the pop charts with songs in Italian (or pseudo-Italian, as the case may be). Even singers such as Rosemary Clooney and Nat King Cole were sprinkling their hits with musical oregano. The 1950s musical love affair between Italy and the United States was definitely a two-way street. It was a golden era of Italian popular song that resulted in a deep repertoire of classics that continue to be influential to this day.

With Vintage Italia, we have dug deep into the vaults of Italian music to unearth some of our favorite songs by iconic singers of the era, as well as newer recordings by artists who continue to find inspiration in the music that served as the backdrop for an era that has earned the moniker La Dolce Vita – The Sweet Life.

1.Fred Buscaglione - Boccuccia di Rosa
2.Renzo Arbore e Gli Arborigeni - Ba...Ba...Baciami Piccina
3.Flo Sandon's - T'ho Volute Ben (Non Dimenticar)
4.Teddy Reno - Accarezzame
5.Nicola Arigliano - Musetto
6.Jula de Palma - Piccolissima serenata
7.Quadro Nuevo - Roma Nun Fa la Stupida Stasera
8.Pink Martini - Ninna Nanna
9.Gianmaria Testa - Dimestichezze D'Amor
10.Emanuele Tozzi - Cristina's World
11.Marco Calliari - Torna A Surriento