柴可夫斯基: 弦樂小夜曲/如歌的行板 朱利安.阿茲庫洛 指揮 歐洲聯合弦樂團 在發行了兩張風格多樣的選集之後 - 行動中(SACD2529), 重新改編(SACD2549), 歐洲聯合弦樂團和指揮朱利安.阿茲庫洛選擇將他們最近的錄音計畫獻給單獨一位作曲家: 柴可夫斯基. 他們以作曲家向莫札特(嬉遊曲)致敬的(弦樂小夜曲)做開場, 但注入了柴可夫斯基特色的感傷和憂鬱. 這是他最受歡迎的作品之一, 有最受喜愛的第二樂章華爾滋, 和用俄羅斯民俗歌謠做結尾. 在這張錄音專輯中的其他作品包含阿茲庫洛為樂團量身訂做的改編曲, 柴可夫斯基的第一號弦樂四重奏中的(如歌的行板, Andante cantabile)慢板樂章, 是一首有巨大的情感力量, 據說是根據一首他在烏克蘭Kamenka鎮聽到的古老民謠而寫的作品. 在佛羅倫斯逗留居住之後寫的六重奏(佛羅倫斯的回憶)有陰沉憂慮的性格, 雖然在標題上是義大利式, 但卻比較像俄羅斯風格. 如同弦樂小夜曲, 此曲利用古典格式和方法, 但也包含一些段落喚起傳統的俄羅斯音樂. 在完成這作品之後, 柴可夫斯基 –對自己是最嚴苛的評論家 –寫下”看到我對自己有多滿意實在是太可怕了”. 這張專輯以(睡眠時刻)一曲做結尾, 這是一首給混聲合唱團的早期作品, 令人回想起東正教聖歌的冥想性質, 改編給弦樂團演奏的質感非常適合. ![]() After two stylistically diverse anthologies – In Motion and Renewal – the United Strings of Europe and their director Julian Azkoul have chosen to devote their latest project to a single composer: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. They open with the composer's Serenade, a tribute to Mozart's divertimentos, but infused with Tchaikovsky's characteristic pathos and melancholy. It is one of his most popular works, with the especially beloved Waltz as its second movement, and a finale featuring Russian folk songs. The other works included on this recording are arrangements tailor-made for the ensemble by Julian Azkoul. Andante cantabile, the slow movement of Tchaikovsky's First String Quartet, is a piece of great emotional power, based on an old folk song which Tchaikovsky reportedly heard in the Ukrainian town of Kamenka. Composed following a stay in Florence, the Sextet is brooding in temperament and despite its title arguably more Russian than Italian in character. Like the Serenade, it makes use of classical forms and devices but also includes passages evoking traditional Russian music. After completing the work, Tchaikovsky – who was otherwise his own harshest critic – wrote: 'it's frightening to see how pleased I am with myself'. The album closes with At Bedtime, an early composition for mixed choir with a meditative quality reminiscent of Eastern Orthodox chant that lends itself well to the string orchestra textures. ![]() |
Pyotr Il''yich Tchaikovsky
Serenade for Strings in C major, Op.48 30''16 01 I. Pezzo in forma di Sonatina 9''43 02 II. Walzer 3''49 03 III. Elegie 9''11 04 IV. Finale (Tema russo) 7''33 from String Quartet No. 1, Op.11 05 Andante cantabile 6''54 String Sextet in D minor (Souvenir de Florence), Op.70 35''19 06 I. Allegro con spirito 10''57 07 II. Adagio cantabile e con moto 10''40 08 III. Allegretto moderato 6''24 09 IV. Allegro con brio e vivace 7''18 10 At Bedtime (Na son gryadushchiy) 5''18 Album total 77''50 |