赫姆西: 室內樂作品集 ARC室內樂團 ARC Ensemble / Alberto Hemsi: Chamber Works

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赫姆西: 室內樂作品集(希臘婚禮舞曲/冥想曲/五重奏/早期歌謠)

Alberto Hemsi was born in 1898 in Turgutlu (also known as Cassaba), in Anatolia (present-day Turkey). Although there had been a Jewish presence in Anatolia for more than 2000 years, the population expanded considerably following the Alhambra Decree of 1492, with the arrival of Sephardim from Spain and Portugal. It then dwindled precipitously with the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, the rise of Nazism, the creation of the state of Israel, and the escalation of anti-Semitism in the Arab world. Having completed his training at the conservatory in Milan, Hemsi returned to Anatolia determined to collect and notate as much traditional Sephardic music as he possibly could. A fascination with national folk music had taken root throughout Europe – Bartok and Kodaly in Hungary, Dvorak and Smetana in Bohemia, and Vaughan Williams and Gustav Holst in England being the most familiar examples. Because his research was not defined by political or geographical boundaries, Hemsi was compelled to survey the myriad communities spread throughout the vast Sephardic diaspora. He was as fascinated by this musical heritage as he was concerned about its survival but, like so many composers, he also understood how traditional melodies, together with the various performance styles and conventions that supported them, could provide inspiration and nourishment for his own music.

Chamber Works
premiere recordings
Danze nuziali greche, Op.37 bis 10:14
(Danses nuptiales grecques)
(Greek Nupital Dances)
for Cello and Piano
after an original work for solo piano, Op.37 (c.1953)
1. I In onore della ''pethera'' (suocera) (In Honour of the Mother-in-law). 3:24
2. II In onore della ''''nymphi'''' (sposa) (In Honour of the Bride). 3:26
3. III In onore del ''''cumbaro'''' (compare) (In Honour of the Godfather). 3:19

Tre arie antiche (dalle ''Coplas Sefardies''), Op.30 * 9:01
(Three Ancient Airs, from the Coplas Sefardies) for String Quartet
A Mme Ethel & Frank Cohen
4. I Ballata. Grave e sonoro - Allegretto - 2:27
5. II Canzone. Calmo e nostalgico - [ ] - Tempo I 3:29
6. III Rondo. Allegro - Allegretto - Poco piu mosso - 2:58

Pilpul Sonata, Op.27 ? 19:39
for Violin and Piano
7. I Allegretto comodo - Poco meno - Tempo I - Poco meno - 8:27
8. II Larghetto meditativo 5:03
9. III Allegretto rapsodico 6:04

Quintet, Op.28 *dann 17:46
in G Major • in G-Dur • en sol majeur
for Viola and String Quartet
A Odon Partos
10.I Concertino. Allegretto con brio - Poco meno - Tempo I 4:55
11. II Burlesca. Allegretto spiritoso - [Fine] - 5:35
12. III Berceuse. (Quaver = 104 - 108) - Poco animato - Tempo I 4:34
13. IV Rondo. (Crotchet = 132 - 138) - Poco piu animato 2:33

14. Meditation, Op.16 6:42
(dans le style armenien)
(in Armenian style)
for Cello and Piano
Per Edgardo Maria Brunetti
Grave, ad libitum - [ ] - Tempo I - Andante - Poco piu animato -

Total time: 62:56

Chamber: ARC Ensemble
Erika Raum violin
Marie Berard violin
Emily Kruspe violin ?
Steven Dann viola *
Julien Altmann viola
Tom Wiebe cello
Kevin Ahfat piano
21 and 22 December 2021 & 15 and 16 February 2022