史特拉文斯基: C大調交響曲/三樂章交響曲 戴維斯 指揮 BBC愛樂管絃樂團 Andrew Davis/Stravinsky:Orchestral Works

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安德魯.戴維斯 指揮

The Symphony in C was conceived in Paris in the late 1930s, but completed in America in 1940, and is dedicated to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra on the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary. Commissioned by the New York Philharmonic and premiered in 1946, the Symphony in Three Movements presents us with movements that also manifest different ways of moving: a march, a slow dance, and a march-jog-race. The Greeting Prelude was written as an eightieth birthday tribute to Pierre Monteux, conductor of the premieres of Petrouchka and The Rite of Spring, and was first performed by the Boston Symphony Orchestra on the very day: 4 April 1955. The other two pieces on the album reflect Stravinsky’s lifelong involvement with ballet. The Divertimento is an orchestral piece extracted by Stravinsky from his ballet The Fairy’s Kiss. The ballet was a homage to Tchaikovsky, based on songs and piano pieces by him, stitched together and orchestrated with Stravinskian cool. The Circus Polka was a commission from Stravinsky’s long-time collaborator George Balanchine, who had been asked by the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus to create a dance for elephants. The version heard here is the composer’s own orchestral version; the original was scored for circus band and organ by David Raksin, and performed by fifty elephants and fifty female dancers! Recorded in Surround Sound and available as a Hybrid SACD

1. Greeting Prelude 0:55
for the Eightieth Birthday of Pierre Monteux

Symphony in C 29:46
for Orchestra
This symphony, composed to the Glory of God, is dedicated to the
Chicago Symphony Orchestra on the occasion of the Fifieth
Anniversary of its existence.
2. I Moderato alla breve - Tempo agitato senza tropo accelerare -9:53
3. II Larghetto concertante - Doppio moviment - 6:44
4. III Allegretto - Meno mosso - Tempo I, Allegretto - Piu mosso - Tempo I 5:12
5. IV Largo - Tempo giusto, alla breve - Largo (Doppie del Tempo I) - 7:54

Divertimento 25:51
Symphonic Suite from the Ballet Le Baiser de la fee (1928) The Fairy''''s Kiss)
for Orchestra
6. I Sinfonia. Andante - Pochissimo piu mosso - 6:34
7. II Danses suisses. Tempo giusto - L''''istesso tempo - 7:13
8. III Scherzo. Moderato - Piu mosso - Poco accelerando - 4:05
9. IV Pas de deux7:53

10. Circus Polka 3:37
Composed for a Young Elephant
Symphonic Version for Orchestra (1944)
Crotchet = 100

Symphony in Three Movements
for Orchestra
Dedicated to the New York Philharmonic Symphony Society
11. I Crotchet = 160 10:07
Solo: Ian Buckle piano
12. II Andante - Piu mosso - Tempo I - 6:00
Solo: Clifford Lantaff harp
13. Interlude. L''''istesso tempo - 6:46
Con moto - Piu presto - Meno mosso (Con moto) -
Solo: Ian Buckle piano
Solo: Clifford Lantaff harp

Total time: 82:53
Orchestra: BBC Philharmonic Orchestra
Yuri Torchinsky leader
Conductor: Sir Andrew Davis
26 April 2019 (Symphony in C) & 21 and 22 March 2022 (other works)