NMM090 巴哈 / 萊許: 長笛作品集 瑪麗安.哈拉庫 長笛 Marion Ralincourt / Bach & Reich (NoMad)

** 1CD
**發行年份: 2021
** 5051083172608
** NoMad
供貨狀況: 尚有庫存



巴哈/萊許: 長笛作品集(長笛無伴奏組曲/木管小品音樂/名古屋木琴)

瑪麗安.哈拉庫 Palanca長笛/Jupiter鍍銀中音長笛/Haynes短笛

Marion Ralincourt's Bach-Reich album, the third part of Les Siecles' chamber music collection, brings together solo works and original transcriptions of both composers, giving them a new and original perspective.

An eclectic flutist, Marion Ralincourt varies the modes of play with inventiveness, going so far as to double herself, in order to embody as closely as possible the spirit of the transcribed scores. A very personal and enchanting album, and the most beautiful tribute to the transverse flute.

Marion Ralincourt
Bach • Reich
Johann Sebastian Bach
01-04 Partita pour flute seule en la mineur, BWV 1013 16:34
Steve Reich
05 Nagoya Marimbas (1994) 04:44
Transcription pour deux flutes alto de Marion Ralincourt
Johann Sebastian Bach
06-10 Suite en re majeur (BWV 590, 1010, 828, Anh. 116, 842, 1068) 18:01
Transcription et arrangement pour traverso de Marion Ralincourt
Steve Reich
11 Music for pieces of wood (1973) 10:04
Transcription pour 5 flutistes jouant en ? slap ? de Marion Ralincourt
Johann Sebastian Bach
12-15 Suite pour luth en do mineur, BWV 997 15:38
Transcription et arrangement pour traverso de Marion Ralincourt
Steve Reich
16 Vermont Counterpoint (1982) 09:38
Total timing: 74:39