齊瑪諾夫斯基: 聖母悼歌 / 潘德雷茲: 震怒之日 艾蓮娜.莫蘇克 女高音 麥可.吉倫 指揮 ORF維也納廣播交響樂團 ![]() Historical recordings from the archives of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation Despite their different musical languages, all three works on this album by Polish composers Karol Szymanowski and Krzysztof Penderecki share the inherent character of a lament. Szymanowski’s Stabat Mater, completed in 1926 and based on a Polish translation of the Latin medi ![]() |
Stabat Mater, Op 53 1 I Sta?a Matka bolej?ca / Stabat mater dolorosa 6:33 2 II I ktoz widzia? tak cierpi?c? / Quis est homo qui non fleret 2:53 3 III O Matko ?rod?o Wszechmi?o?ci / O, eia mater, fons amoris 4:03 4 IV Spraw niech p?acz? z Tob? razem / Fac me tecum pie flere 2:44 5 V Panno s?odka racz mozo?em / Virgo virginum praeclara 3:16 6 VI Chrystus niech mi b?dzie grodem / Christe, cum sit hinc exire 4:26 Elena Mo?uc, Sopran / soprano Annette Markert, Mezzosopran / mezzo soprano Anton Scharinger, Tenor / tenor Chorus sine nomine KRZYSZTOF PENDERECKI (1933-2020) Dies Irae 7 I Lamentatio 10:47 8 II Apocalypsis 11:42 9 III Apotheosis 3:55 Ewa Izykowska, Sopran / soprano Zachos Terzakis, Tenor / tenor Stephen Roberts, Bass / bass Wiener Konzertchor 10 Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima10:47 ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra Michael Gielen, Dirigent / conductor |