NMM108 蒙波 / 蕭邦: (另一個自我)鋼琴曲集 賽莉蔓.杜第 鋼琴 Celimene Daudet / Mompou, Chopin: Alter Ego (NoMad)

** 1*CD
**發行年份: 2022
供貨狀況: 尚有庫存



另一個自我 蒙波:前奏曲,蕭邦主題與變奏曲/蕭邦:第3號鋼琴奏鳴曲

賽莉蔓.杜第 鋼琴

Few composers represent the soul of the piano with such truth and are so deeply identified with their instrument. A century apart, Frederic Chopin and Federico Mompou seem to belong to the same family, to those who know how to listen to the piano speak. In Alter Ego, Celimene Daudet questions the close links between these two composers and pursues her lifelong quest to make the piano sing.

Federico Mompou
01 Prelude n°1 01:59
02 Prelude n°5 02:21
03 Prelude n°9 02:37
04 El Pont de Montjuic 06:35
Frederic Chopin Sonate n°3 en si mineur, Op. 58
05 I. Allegro maestoso 10:37
06 II. Scherzo (molto vivace) 03:04
07 III. Largo 10:22
08 IV. Finale. Presto non tanto 06:17
Federico Mompou
09 Musica callada XV - Chopiniana 02:34
10-22 Variations sur un theme de Chopin 25:08
23 Damunt de tu nomes les flors, extrait de Combat del Somni
(Marie-Laure Garnier, soprano) 04:08
Total timing 75:48