CHSA5303-6 佛漢.威廉士:交響曲全集 希考克斯/戴維斯 指揮 Hickox / Davis / Vaughan Williams:Complete Symphonies (Chandos)

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理查.希考克斯 指揮 倫敦交響樂團
安德魯.戴維斯 (挪威)卑爾根愛樂管弦樂團

佛漢.威廉士150週年誕辰紀念, 6片SACD, 兩片價
SACD1 第一號(海)交響曲 理查.希考克斯 指揮 倫敦交響樂團 66:22 (2007)
SACD2 第二號(倫敦)交響曲(原始1913版本) 理查.希考克斯 指揮 倫敦交響樂團 61:25 (2003)
SACD3 第三號(田園), 第四號交響曲 理查.希考克斯 指揮 倫敦交響樂團 70:43 (2002, 2003)
SACD4 第五號, 第六號交響曲 理查.希考克斯 指揮 倫敦交響樂團 74:44 (2003)
SACD5 第七號(南極), 第九號交響曲 安德魯.戴維斯 指揮 (挪威)卑爾根愛樂管絃樂團 74:49 (2017)
SACD6 第八號交響曲 理查.希考克斯 指揮 倫敦交響樂團 28:29 (2003)
    1955年11月17日BBC英國國家廣播公司(追憶佛漢.威廉士)演講 28:42

To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vaughan Williams, we are proud to reissue this outstanding symphony cycle. Started in 1999 by Richard Hickox and the London Symphony Orchestra, this was the first Vaughan Williams symphony cycle to be recorded in Surround Sound and released on Hybrid SACD. Tragically, Richard Hickox died before he was able to complete the project – a task that was undertaken by Sir Andrew Davis and the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra. This reissue is priced at 6 discs for the price of 2, and features almost an hour of bonus material – broadcast interviews with Sir Adrian Boult and Sir John Barbirolli, and reminiscences from both Ursula Vaughan Williams and the composer himself.

Disc 1
A Sea Symphony (Symphony No.1) *?66:24
for Soprano and Baritone Soli, Chorus and Orchestra
1. A Song for All Seas, All Ships 19:09
Moderato maestoso
2. On the Beach at Night, Alone 10:56
Largo sostenuto
3. Scherzo. The Waves 7:54
Allegro brillante
4. The Explorers 28:23
Grave e molto adagio
Total time: 66:22

Disc 2
world premiere recording
A London Symphony (Symphony No.2) *61:27
Original 1913 version
1. I Lento - Allegro risoluto 15:07
2. II Lento 16:17
3. III Scherzo (Nocturne). Allegro vivace - Andantino 11:07
4. IV Andante con moto - Maestoso alla marcia (quasi lento) - 18:54
Total time: 61:25

Disc 3
Pastoral Symphony (Syphony No.3) *?39:05
1. I Molto moderato - Poco tranquillo - Tempo I - Largamente - Tempo I 10:44
2. II Lento moderato - Poco tranquillo, tempo rubato - Tempo I 10:23
3. III Moderato pesante - Poco animato - A tempo - Presto 6:32
4. IV Lento - Moderato maestoso - Animato - Poco piu lento - Tempo I 11:14

Symhony No.4 *31:51
in F Minor
5. I Allegro - Meno mosso - Largamente - Lento 8:07
6. II Andante moderato - Tranquillo 10:13
7. III Scherzo. Allegro molto - 5:02
8. IV Finale con Epilogue Fugato. Allegro molto - Lento (non troppo) - 8:28
Total time: 70:43

Disc 4
Symphony No.5 *39:33
in D Major
1. I Preludio. Moderato 12:17
2. II Scherzo. Presto misterioso 4:57
3. III Romanza. Lento 12:01
4. IV Passacaglia. Moderato 10:00

Symphony No.6 *35:30
in E Minor
To Michael Mullinar
5. I Allegro - Poco animato - Tranquillo 7:23
6. II Moderato 10:53
7. III Scherzo, Allegro vivace 6:20
8. IV Epilogue. Moderato 10:53
Total time: 74:44

Disc 5
Sinfonia Antartica (Symphony No.7) § ?41:40
for Soprano Solo, Female Chorus and Orchestra
1. Prelude. Andante maestoso - Largamente - Lento - Poco piu mosso - 9:31
2. Scherzo, Moderato - Poco animando - Moderato - Poco animato - 5:47
3. Landscape. Lento - Andante sostenuto - Lento - Poco meno lento - 10:31
4. Intermezzo. Andante sostenuto - Allegretto - Pesante - 6:14
5. Epilogue. Alla marcia, moderato (non troppo allegro) - Lento - 9:22

Symphony No.9 §33:32
in E Minor
Martin Winter flugelhorn
6. I Moderato maestoso - Tranquillo 9:03
7. II Andante sostenuto - Poco animando - 7:35
8. III Scherzo. Allegro pesante - [ ] - Tempo del principio - 5:39
9. IV Andante tranquillo - Poco animato - Tempo I - Andante sostenuto - 11:07
Total time: 74:49

Disc 6
Symphony No.8 *28:29
in D Minor
1. I Fantasia (Variazioni senza tema) 10:42
Moderato - Presto - Andante sostenuto - Allegretto -
2. II Scherzo alla marcia 3:41
Per gli stromenti a vento
Allegro alla marcia - Andante - Tempo I
3. III Cavatina 9:04
Per gli stromenti a corde
Lento espressivo
4. IV Toccata colle campanelle 5:01
Moderato maestoso

Ralph Vaughan Williams reminisces 28:42
Lecture broadcast by the BBC on 17 November 1955
5. Broadcast Introduction - 0:28
6. Lecture Introduction - 0:55
7. Ralph Vaughan Williams discusses Parry - 13:35
8. Ralph Vaughan Williams discusses Stanford 13:43
9. Barbara Hooper interviews Sir John Barbirolli 5:31
The conductor recalls Ralph Vaughan Williams on the day of the
composer''s death, 26 August 1958, in an interview broadcast on that day
10. Robert Layton interviews Sir Adrian Boult 8:25
The conductor discusses Vaughan Williams''s Symphonies Nos 3 and 4
in an interview broadcast on 31 March 1966
11. Ursula Vaughan Williams reminisces 6:47
His widow shares memories of Vaughan Williams in an interview
broadcast on 1 April 1965
Total time: 77:52

Solo: Susan Gritton soprano ?
Solo: Gerald Finley baritone ?
Solo: Rebecca Evans soprano ?
Solo: Mari Eriksmoen soprano ?
Choral: London Symphony Chorus ?
Choral: Bergen Philharmonic Choir ?
Choral: Edvard Grieg Kor ?
Orchestra: London Symphony Orchestra
Orchestra: Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra §
Conductor: Richard Hickox *
Conductor: Sir Andrew Davis §