CHAN20233 莫札特: 鋼琴獨奏曲第一集 費德里克.科利 鋼琴 Federico Colli / Mozart: Works For Solo Piano, Vol. 1 (Chandos)

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費德里克.科利 鋼琴

Praised by Gramophone as 'one of the more original thinkers of his generation', the Italian pianist Federico Colli is internationally recognised for his highly imaginative and philosophical interpretations and impeccable technique. 

This album is the first instalment of a new, intensely personal project for the pianist: an exploration of selected piano works by Mozart. 

It was the discovery (at the age of around six) of Mozart's music that caught the imagination of the young Federico and inspired him to study music, and it was winning the International Piano Competition Mozart, in Salzburg, that launched his career as a pianist.

 His approach has been to immerse himself completely in Mozart's own experience at the composition of each piece: where was Mozart living, what was he doing, what were his motivations behind each composition? 

Only after in-depth study of biographies of Mozart, his (and others') letters, the historical, social, and political background, the Zeitgeist, the cultural atmosphere surrounding each work, does Colli then approach the scores and start the process of building his interpretations.

Works for Solo Piano, Volume 1

1. Fantasie, KV 475 13:26
in C Minor • in c-Moll • en ut mineur
Pour Madame Therese de Trattnern
Adagio - Allegro - Andantino - Piu allegro - Tempo I

2. Adagio, KV 356 3:01
in C Major • in C-Dur • en ut majeur
for Armonica (Glass Harmonica)

3. Fantasie, KV 396 9:47
in C Minor • in c-Moll • en ut mineur
Fragment for piano and violin, completed and arranged 1801
for solo piano by Maximilian Stadlet (1748-1833)
Dediee a Madame Constanze Mozart

4. Menuett, KV 355 6:35
in D Major • in D-Dur • en re majeur
Fragment, the Trio of which supplied by Maxiomilian Stadler
Menuetto - Trio - Menuetto da capo

5. Fantasie, KV 397 6:30
in D Minor • in d-Moll • en re mineur
Fragment, completion traditionally attributed to
August Eberhard Muller (1767-1817)
Andante - Adagio - Presto - Tempo I - Presto -
Tempo I - Allegretto

6. Rondo, KV 48 6 :55
in D Major • in D-Dur • en re majeur

Sonata, KV 333 22:24
in B-Flat Major • in B-Dur • en si bemol majeur
7. I Allegro 7:33
8. II Andante cantabile 8:18
9. III Allegretto grazioso - Cadenza in tempo 6:32
[Tempo I] - Ad libitum - A tempo

Total time: 69:07