海頓作品20號的六首弦樂四重奏堪稱該類樂曲歷史上的里程碑。海頓寫下這套四重奏的最初目的並非為了出版,推測是寫給艾斯特哈齊宮廷樂團的同事(包含該團首席托馬西尼在內)所演奏。 每一首都是獨一無二的經典,大膽引進和以往不同的作曲技法,大幅改變了四重奏的樣貌,也奠定了往後四重奏的基礎。 海頓顛覆傳統的器樂角色,並且將原本四重奏的色彩織理以更為精巧的面貌呈現,此外他也在這些作品當中展現了四重奏全新的表現可能,這些關鍵讓海頓在純器樂音樂領域上博得極高的聲望。 這六首四重奏的表現色彩同樣令人目不暇給,從第一號探視內心的合唱風慢板樂章到情感洗鍊激進的第三號,再到充滿愉悅喜樂的第四號,每一首都擁有屬於自己的一片音樂天地。也難怪許多人認為這是海頓寫過最偉大的作品之一。 留聲機稱讚他們是「當前世上年輕一代室內樂團中的佼佼者」,1998年成立的多利克四重奏儼然已是英國弦樂四重奏樂團的看板。 先是2008年獲得日本「大阪國際室內樂比賽」首獎;之後陸續贏得義大利「Premio Paolo Borciani 國際弦樂四重奏比賽」二獎;德國「梅克倫堡藝術節」合奏獎;並獲選成為2006至2010年「英國青年藝術家機構」(Young Concert Artists Trust, YCAT)的代表。 除了在CHANDOS發行的一系列專輯有口皆碑,多場演奏海頓作品的音樂會更是教人激賞。 週日電訊報的評語是「海頓和多利克四重奏只能說是完美的結合...毫無疑問,這些華麗精彩並且充滿感受性的演出恰如其分切中海頓創意才華表面底下的重點」 本張專輯是新團員加入後首張錄音(中提琴手由原本的Simon Tandree換成Helene Clement),亦是2014年10月7日首次抵台的演出陣容,體驗多利克的演奏魅力,就從這裡開始吧! Haydn's six Op. 20 string quartets are milestones in the history of the genre. He wrote them in 1772 for performance by his colleagues at the Esterhazy court and, unusually, not specifically for publication. Each one is a unique masterpiece and the set introduces compositional techniques that radically transformed the genre and shaped it for centuries to come. Haydn overturns conventional instrumental roles, crafts remarkably original colours and textures, and unlocks new expressive possibilities in these works which were crucial in establishing the reputation of purely instrumental music. The range within the quartets is kaleidoscopic. From the introspective, chorale-like slow movement of No. 1 via the terse and radical quartet No. 3 in G minor to the comic spirit of the fourth in D major, each of the quartets inhabits a distinct musical world. For many, this is some of the greatest music Haydn ever wrote. Playing these seminal works is one of the world's finest young ensembles, the Doric String Quartet. As well as having already produced a string of acclaimed recordings on Chandos, the group has been widely praised for its live performances of Haydn's works. The Sunday Telegraph wrote that 'Haydn and the Doric are a perfect match… Unequivocally, these were performances of terrific panache and perception, seeming to get right under the skin of Haydn's creative genius'. ![]() |
string quartets,op.33
CD 1 1-4 quartet, op.33 no.1 5-8 quartet, op.33 no.2 9-12 quartet, op.33 no.3 CD 2 1-4 quartet, op.33 no.4 5-8 quartet, op.33 no.5 9-12 quartet, op.33 no.6 TT 58:14 |