注意:此專輯為數位音樂非實體CD內含音樂下載卡,印刷版解說小冊子 |
令人平靜的音樂可提供每天緊張生活的解藥. 聆聽放輕鬆的音樂可讓您緊繃的神經平靜下來和協助抵抗被淹沒在每日生活中的刺耳雜音. 這些從廣泛文化背景中精選的柔和歌曲也可以用於練習瑜珈和冥想. (世界放輕鬆)的特點是含有一些我們會喜愛的歌曲, 來自塞內加爾, 阿根廷, 蘇格蘭, 希臘, 冰島, 英國, 德國和美國. 這也是Putumayo廠牌第一次嘗試出版只有數位版的精選曲. (內附數位音樂下載步驟與密碼卡片和印刷版解說小冊子). Putumayo喜愛探索能讓大家著迷的新歌曲和藝術家, 因此這裡希望能提供更多的數位精選曲, 含有我們發現的新歌給在世界各地的聽眾. 因此, 請坐好並放鬆, 讓這些令人平靜的音樂暫時將您的煩惱帶走並拋棄在腦後. Relax with this soothing collection of contemporary songs from around the world. Relaxing music can offer an excellent cure for day-to-day stress. The simple act of listening to soothing music can calm your nerves and help drown out the cacophony of everyday life. This selection of gentle songs from a wide range of cultural backgrounds can also support yoga practice and meditation. World Chill features some of our favorite songs by artists from Senegal, Argentina, Scotland, Greece, Iceland, England, Germany and USA. It also marks a new adventure for Putumayo as it is our first ever digital-only collection. We love discovering new songs and artists who enchant us, and we look forward to providing more digital collections featuring our new discoveries to listeners around the world. So, sit back, relax, and let these soothing songs transport you and help you leave your worries behind for awhile. 1 Anna Mou / Wasis Diop 2 Buain na Choirce / Michael McGoldrick 3 Dos / Carlos Libedinsky 4 Simple / Natalia Clavier 5 North East West South / Hang Playing Hedge Monkeys 6 Close My Eyes / Kristi Stassinopoulou 7 Indian Christmas / Rikhy Ray 8 Hjarta Mitt / Tómas R. Einarsson & Ragnheiour Gröndal 9 On the Road to My Father's House / Ramon Bermudez, Jr. |