莫札特: 小提琴奏鳴曲 法蘭倩絲卡.黛戈 小提琴 列奧納迪 鋼琴 Francesca Dego / Mozart: Vi

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法蘭倩絲卡.黛戈 小提琴
法蘭倩絲卡.列奧納迪 鋼琴

在她與羅傑.諾靈頓爵士和皇家蘇格蘭國家管弦樂團備受好評的莫札特小提琴協奏曲專輯(CHAN20234)之後, 小提琴家法蘭倩絲卡.黛戈和她長期的演奏會夥伴鋼琴家法蘭倩絲卡.列奧納迪(Francesca Leonardi)轉向莫札特的小提琴奏鳴曲選曲. 黛戈評論說:'法蘭倩絲卡和我一起合作演奏了十七年, 超過我年紀的一半和整個事業生涯. 成為固定合作的二人組代表要達成共同詮釋的解決辦法, 一種綜合兩位演奏家的特質, 並建立一種強烈共同的責任感. 在一起做某件事時, 不知何故的很自然的會覺得完美. 我們決定以我們最喜愛的莫札特降B大調KV454奏鳴曲為基礎製作一張專輯, 我們已經一起表演此作品許多年了, 莫札特的簡潔與誇張華麗以完美和諧的方式同時存在'.

Following her critically acclaimed recording with Sir Roger Norrington and the RSNO of violin concertos by Mozart, Francesca Dego turns to a selection of his violin sonatas with her long-term recital partner, Francesca Leonardi. Dego comments: 'Francesca and I have been playing together for seventeen years, more than half my life and the totality of my career. To work as a duo on a regular basis means reaching common interpretative solutions, ones that sum up each player's qualities, and creates a great sense of mutual responsibility. What you do together somehow feels naturally complete. We decided to build this album around our very favourite Sonata, KV 454 in B flat major, which we had been performing for many years and in which Mozart's simplicity and flamboyance coexist in perfect harmony.'


Sonata, Op.7 No.3, K.454 24:56
in B-Flat major • in B-Dur • en si bemol majeur
for Piano and Violin
Tereze de Kobenzl gewidmet
1. I Largo - Allegro10:13
2. II Andante7:14
3. III Allegretto7:29
Sonata, Op.1 No.1, K.301 16:20
in G major • in G-Dur • en sol majeur
for Piano and Violin
4. I Allegro con spirito11:15
5. II Allegro - Minore - Maggiore5:05
Sonata, Op.1 No.3, K.303 11:52
in C Major • in C-Dur • en ut majeur
for Piano and Violin
6. I Adagio - Molto allegro - Adagio -5:09
7. II Tempo di Menuetto 6:43
Sonata, Op.1 No.5, K.305 16:51
in A Major • in A-Dur • en la majeur
for Piano and Violin
Der Kurfurstin von der Pfalz gewidmet
8. I Allegro di molto6:33
9. II Tema con variazioni 10:18
[Tema.] Andante grazioso -
Variazione I (Violino tacet) -
Variazsione II -
Variazione III -
Variazione IV. [ ] - Adagio - A tempo -
Variazione V -
Variazione VI. Allegro
Total time: 69:59

Solo: Francesca Dego violin
Solo: Francesca Leonardi piano