流行尖端 / 101 (Blu-Ray藍光) Depeche Mode / 101 (Blu-Ray)

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★完美紀錄Depeche Mode於1988年六月在美國洛杉磯Pasadena Rose Bowl巡迴演出之精彩實況&影像紀錄
★以4K技術全新重製之高畫質影像,Blu-Ray中並收錄首次曝光之"A Question of Lust," "Sacred," "Something To Do" 演出影像,以及 "Everything Counts."官方宣傳版影片

新浪潮電子音樂年代最具代表的先鋒部隊Depeche Mode,魅力無限的主唱David Gahan,單飛不解散的推出個人專輯,還是Soulsavers成員大玩電舞風格,坐上Q雜誌「百大歌手」#73、「百大樂團領導者」#27名單,他那多變又酷味十足的音頻,搭配電子合成器散發出冰冷質感,完全突顯迷人又獨特的味道。偕同Andy Fletcher和Martin Gore兩位開國元老,齊力入席Q雜誌「世上最受歡迎的電子樂團」、「改變世界的50組樂團」名單+滾石雜誌推崇「80年代最具代表性的電子流行樂團」。締造50首挺入英國金榜單曲、13張英國前十強專輯,全球總銷售突破億門檻,獲得全英音樂獎加冕,入圍5次葛萊美肯定。


1. Pimpf
Pimpf (Surround Sound)
2. Master and Servant
Master and Servant (Surround Sound)
3. Route 66
Route 66 (music underlaying words)
Love Is the Drug (music underlaying words)
Oliver's Army (music underlaying words)
Route 66 (Surround Sound)
Route 66 (music underlaying words)
Love Is the Drug (music underlaying words)
Oliver's Army (music underlaying words)
4. Master and Servant (Revisited)
Bango (music underlaying words)
Master and Servant (music underlaying words)
Master and Servant (Revisited - Surround Sound)
Bango (music underlaying words)
Master and Servant (music underlaying words)
5. Things You Said
Things You Said (Surround Sound)
6 .Blasphemous Rumours
Blasphemous Rumours (Surround Sound)
7. People Are People
People Are People (music underlaying words)
Bridge over Troubled Water (music underlaying words) London Bridge is Falling Down (music underlaying words)
Pimpf (music underlaying words)
People Are People (Surround Sound)
People Are People (music underlaying words)
Bridge over Troubled Water (music underlaying words)
London Bridge is Falling Down (music underlaying words)
Pimpf (music underlaying words)
8. Stripped
Stripped (music underlaying words)
Feel the Need In Me (music underlaying words)
Stripped (Surround Sound)
Stripped (music underlaying words)
Feel the Need In Me (music underlaying words)
9. Black Celebration
Black Celebration (Surround Sound)
10. Nothing
Nothing (music underlaying words)
Pimpf (music underlaying words)
Nothing (Surround Sound)
Nothing (music underlaying words)
Pimpf (music underlaying words)
11. Shake the Disease
Shake the Disease (Surround Sound)
12. A Question of Time
A Question of Time (Surround Sound)
13. Route 66 (Revisited)
Route 66 (music underlaying words)
Route 66 (Revisited - Surround Sound)
Route 66 (music underlaying words)
14. Behind the Wheel (Soundcheck)
Behind the Wheel (music underlaying words)
I Saw Her Standing There (music underlaying words)
Behind the Wheel (Soundcheck - Surround Sound)
Behind the Wheel (music underlaying words)
I Saw Her Standing There (music underlaying words)
15. Behind the Wheel
Pimpf (music underlaying words)
Behind the Wheel (music underlaying words)
Behind the Wheel (Surround Sound)
Pimpf (music underlaying words)
Behind the Wheel (music underlaying words)
16. Strangelove
Strangelove (Surround Sound)
17. Everything Counts
Everything Counts (Surround Sound)
18. Just Can't Get Enough
Just Can't Get Enough (Surround Sound)
19. Never Let Me Down Again
Never Let Me Down Again (music underlaying words)
Route 66 (music underlaying words)
20. Master and Servant (Live at Rose Bowl, Pasadena, CA (6/18/1988))
21. Pimpf (Live at Rose Bowl, Pasadena, CA (6/18/1988))
22. Behind the Wheel (Live at Rose Bowl, Pasadena, CA (6/18/1988))
23. Strangelove (Live at Rose Bowl, Pasadena, CA (6/18/1988))
24. Blasphemous Rumours (Live at Rose Bowl, Pasadena, CA (6/18/1988))
25. Stripped (Live at Rose Bowl, Pasadena, CA (6/18/1988))
26. Somebody (Live at Rose Bowl, Pasadena, CA (6/18/1988))
27. Black Celebration (Live at Rose Bowl, Pasadena, CA (6/18/1988))