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法國的四個願景 - 法國大提琴協奏曲 (聖桑/拉羅/奧乃格/佛瑞)
丹尼爾.穆勒修特 大提琴 亞歷山大.布洛赫 指揮 柏林德意志交響樂團 明亮的質感和滿足感官的管弦樂音色被認為是法國音樂的重要特徵, 反映出此類別因配器的藝術和敏銳的善用音色而在歷史上顯赫有名的名字. 這些名字包含在這張大提琴協奏曲專輯的作曲家有: 聖桑, 他的配器技巧總是結合了音色與通透性; 拉羅(Edouard Lalo), 因為他的作品豐富的音色而被德布西高度賞識; 還有奧乃格(Arthur Honegger), 他不只在大提琴協奏中, 還有在他給小型合奏團的作品中描繪出吸引人的音景(soundscape) 法國音樂的音調音色(tone colors)特徵通常是精美的陰影和精緻的過渡樂段(transition), 因此有令人愉快的魅力. 2020年德國古典音樂獎(Opus Klassik Award)得主的丹尼爾.穆勒修特在他的最新專輯(法國音樂的四個願景)中, 和亞歷山大.布洛赫指揮的柏林德意志交響樂團(DSO), 從法國聲音萬花筒中, 引人注目的結合了這五件作品. The luminous textures and sensual orchestral colours that are considered essential features of French music reflect the genre's history of great names renowned for their art of instrumentation and sensitive use of timbres. They include the composers of the cello concertos on this recording: Camille Saint-Saens, whose skill in instrumentation always combines colour with transparency; Edouard Lalo, who was highly esteemed by Claude Debussy for the wealth of colour in his works; and Arthur Honegger, who painted striking soundscapes not only in his Cello Concerto, but also in his works for smaller ensembles. Often it's the fine shadings and delicate transitions that characterise the tone colours of French music and are responsible for its delightful charm. Daniel Muller-Schott – a 2020 Opus Klassik award winner – appealingly combines five works from the French kaleidoscope of sound on his newest album with the DSO Berlin and Alexandre Bloch – Four Visions of France. FOUR VISIONS OF FRANCE FRENCH CELLO CONCERTOS CAMILLE SAINT-SAENS (1835-1921) Konzert fur Violoncello und Orchester Nr 1 a-Moll, op 33 Concerto for cello and orchestra no 1 in A minor, Op 33 1 I Allegro non troppo 5:41 2 II Allegretto con moto 4:49 3 III Allegro non troppo 8:35 GABRIEL FAURE (1845-1924) 4 Elegie c-Moll / in C minor, Op 24 6:26 ARTHUR HONEGGER (1892-1955) Konzert fur Violoncello und Orchester (1929) Concerto for cello and orchestra (1929) 5 I Andante 5:43 6 II Lento 4 :17 7 III Allegro marcato 5:07 EDOUARD LALO (1823-1892) Konzert fur Violoncello und Orchester d-Moll (1877) Concerto for cello and orchestra in D minor (1877) 8 I Prelude: Lento – Allegro maestoso 12:50 9 II Intermezzo: Andantino con moto 5:47 10 III Indroduction: Andante – Allegro vivace 7:36 CAMILLE SAINT-SAENS 11 Romanze F-Dur, op 36 (Version fur Violoncello und Orchester) Romance in F major, Op 36 (Version for cello and orchestra) 2:56 DANIEL MULLER-SCHOTT Violoncello / cello Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin ALEXANDRE BLOCH Dirigent / conductor |