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我最愛的海地 (海地作曲家盧多維奇·拉莫斯 / 賈斯汀·埃利 鋼琴音樂)
賽莉蔓.杜第 鋼琴 在很成功的發行了她的前兩張專輯之後,法國鋼琴家賽莉蔓.杜第(Celimene Daudet)再次推出她最個人的錄音專案.(我最愛的海地)是一份透過海地的音樂棱鏡和少為人知古典作曲家給她加勒比海根源的熱情奉獻宣言. 作曲家盧多維·拉莫(Ludovic Lamothe), 賈斯汀·埃利(Justin Elie)和艾德蒙·聖東格(Edmond Saintonge)知道如何讓您驚喜並且帶您來一趟敘述海地的節奏,景觀和色彩的音樂之旅. 受到蕭邦很大的影響並為他著迷, 盧多維·拉莫甚至因為他夢幻般, 深度敏銳與抒情的音樂而被暱稱為'黑人蕭邦'. 此專輯有許多未曾被發表的珍寶等著被分享與認識. After the critical success of her last two solo albums, Celimene Daudet comes back with her most personal project. "Haiti my love" is a passionate declaration to her Caribbean origins through the prism of her music and her little-known classical composers. Lamothe, Elie and Saintonge will know how to surprise you and take you on a musical journey that tells the rhythms, landscapes and colours of the country. Fascinated by Chopin, who influenced him a lot, Ludovic Lamothe was even nicknamed "the Chopin Noir" because of his dreamlike, deeply sensitive and lyrical music. So many unpublished gems just waiting to be shared and known! 曲目 Celimene Daudet Haiti mon amour 01 L. Lamothe (1882 - 1953) Feuillet d'album n°1 04 : 09 02 J. Elie (1883 - 1931) Chants de la montagne n°1 ? Echo-Isma o ? 03 : 34 03 L. Lamothe (1882 - 1953) Danza n°4 04 : 17 04 J. Elie (1883 - 1931) Meringue populaire haitienne n°2 02 : 22 05 E. Saintonge (1861 - 1907) Elegie – Meringue 06 : 35 06 L. Lamothe (1882 - 1953) Danza n°1 ? Habanera ? 03 : 34 07 J. Elie (1883 - 1931) Meringue populaire haitienne n°4 02 : 23 08 L. Lamothe (1882 - 1953) Icones vaudouesques, Loco 02 : 34 09 J. Elie (1883 - 1931) Chants de la montagne n°2 ? Nostalgie ? 04 : 23 10 L. Lamothe (1882 - 1953) Feuillet d'album n°2 04 : 39 11 J. Elie (1883 - 1931) Meringue populaire haitienne n°1 02 : 03 12 L. Lamothe (1882 - 1953) Danza n°3 07 : 25 13 F. Chopin (1810 - 1849) transcription de F. Liszt 03 : 20 Chants Polonais, op. 74, Printemps Total timing 51:18 |