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暢銷經典名盤 發燒友音響試音碟
這張發燒友俗稱「黑教堂」的教堂之音,是Proprius的成名作,也是瑞典鬼才錄音師Bertil Alving的不朽之作,他以簡單的RevoxA77家用型盤式錄音座,及二支Pearl TC4麥克風在教堂錄製這張專輯,澎湃深沉的管風琴聲迎面而來,合唱團在女高音的聖潔的歌聲帶領下,盪氣迴腸,無不叫人動容,音樂性與音響性百分百推薦! 曲目 01. Marco Enrico Bossi: Cantate Domino 02. Johann Gottfried Walther: Organ Concerto (after Gentili) in A Major, LV 130 03. Otto Olson: Advent 04. George Frideric Handel: Judas Maccabaeus, HWV 63: See the conqu'ring hero comes! 05. Georg Joseph Vogler: Hosianna Davids son 06. Frojda dig, du Kristi brud (O bride of Christ, Rejoice) 07. Lullaby 08. Il est né le divin enfant 09. Adolphe Adam: Julsang 10. Den signade dag (O day full of grace) 11. Franz Gruber: Stille Nacht (Silent Night) 12. Max Reger: Schlichte Weisen, Op. 76: No. 52. Mariae Wiegenlied (Mary's Lullaby) 13. Otto Olsson: 12 Organ Pieces on Chorale Themes, Op. 36: No. 2. Jul 14. Tjeckisk folsång: Zither Carol 15. Irving Berlin: White Christmas |