[普洛文化] 喇叭的28道試煉2CD

[普洛文化] 喇叭的28道試煉2CD
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喇叭的28道試煉CD1曲目 66:20

1.整體平衡性,男高音是紙片人嗎?美妙的音色。The Philharmonics Berceuse- Feat . Piotr Beczala Oblivion
2.音樂的活生感與彈性、單體反應靈敏度,豎琴彈奏質感。Lullabies:Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy(Tchaikovsky)Catrin Finch
3.整體平衡性,單簧管音色之美與形體,弦樂擦弦質感。Brahms The Hungarian Connection:Two Waltzes Andreas Ottensamer
4.音質音色的美,寬鬆的美,真實的演奏質感。The Romantic Violinist:Auf dem Wasser zu singen(Schubert)Daniel Hope
5.喇叭的音色、相位失真、定位分辨能力,整體平衡性。Christmas With Los Romeros For unto us a Child is born(Handel Messiah)
6.夢幻般和聲音色,珠玉般滾動的鋼琴音粒,觸鍵質感。The Best of Ravel:Jeuxd’eau(Argerich)
7.喇叭高張力承受測試,解析力與細節,相位失真。Pocket Symphonies Gone Sven Helbig
8.喇叭單體的靈動反應,整體的寬鬆感覺。Mein Weihnachten:I will be Home for Christmas Thomas Quasthoff
9.暫態反應,動態對比,相位失真、樂器分辨能力。The Enchanted Kingdom:Baba-Yaga(Liadov)Pletnev/Russian National Orchestra
10.細微的強弱變化,解析力,嗓音之美。The Artist’s Album:I am a Stranger Here Myself(Weill)Anne Sofie Von Otter
11.音樂活生感、特殊音色展現Vivaldi Con Moto :Concertos for Violin, Strings and Basso continuo Giuliano Carmignola/Acccademia Bizantina
12.全頻段平衡性、觸鍵質感、音色營造。Chopin:Berceuse in D flat major. Op. 57 Maria Joao Pires Piano
13.音質音色之美,平衡性,樂器演奏質感。Carl Maria Von Weber Trio for Flute, Piano and Cello; Quartet for Piano、violin、Viola and Cello Kremer, Grafenauer, V.Hagen, C.Hagen, Sakharov
14.高、中、低頻段平衡性,高張力承受能力,解析力,相位失真。Schubert:String Quartet in D Minor Death and the Maiden Emerson String Quartet
15.喇叭靈動、細節的再生,寬鬆的程度。Schubert:Arpeggione Sonata, Songs without Words Nacht und Traume Maisky/Hovora

喇叭的28道試煉CD2曲目 66:39

1.樂器細微演奏時的質感真實度,Journey East:Zajdi, Zajdi, Jasno Sonce(Set, Set, Bright Sun) Memnja Radulovic
2.聲音的細節表現,樂器演奏質感Lullabies:The Seal Lullaby(Whitacre)Catrin Finch
3.強弱對比高張力承受能力,相位失真,單簧管形體。Brahms The Hungarian Connection Dances from Transylvania(Traditional)Andreas Ottensamer
4.樂器音色辨認,次女高音嗓音表現,聲音融合度The Romantic Violinist Geistiches Wiegenlied(Brahms)Daniel Hope
5.整體平衡性、音質音色、整體美感要求。Mozart Piano Concerto No. 27 & 20 No.20 Romance Maria Joao Pires Piano Claudio Abbado/ Orchestra Mozart
6.細節再生能力,弦樂群解析力。Pocket Symphonies Schlaflied:Sven Helbig
7.小提琴優美音質,動態範圍忍受度,張力承受能力。Journey East Danse Russe(Tchaikovsky Swan Lake)Memnja Radulovic
8.喇叭單體的靈動反應,細節展現,男低音低沈乾淨的要求。Mein Weihnachten White Christmas Thomas Quasthoff
9.喇叭承受功率能力、相位失真解析力測試,銅管夠不夠真實。Tchaikovsky Marche Slave Pletnev/Russian National Orchestra
10.鋼琴的觸鍵質感,喇叭單體的靈動性,喇叭的承受能力。The Philharmonics Oblivion
11.寬鬆的聲音,豐富的琴腔共鳴,細微的波動。Schubert:Arpeggione Sonata, Songs without Words Schwanengesang Maisky/Hovora
12.音色的完整展現、相位失真的考驗The Artist’s Album:Oh del mio dolce ardor(Gluck)Anne Sofie Von Otter
13.鋼琴的一切美好表現驗收Chopin :The Nocturnes No. 20 Maria Joao Pires