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亞敏喬丹 指揮 瑞士羅曼德管弦樂團 德布西/胡塞爾/蕭頌: 管絃樂作品集(牧神的午後)前奏曲 他可輕易的在不同的音樂領域切換: 在2006年去世的瑞士指揮家亞敏.喬丹是一位法國古典曲目和中歐音樂傳統的大師, 他將這兩種傳統結合在他的音樂足跡中. 喬丹的表演特性是一種柔順和色彩豐富的管弦樂聲音, 富有彈性和溫暖. 在此首次發行的現場錄音是他僅有的兩場琉森音樂節表演, 分別在1988年和1994年指揮瑞士羅曼德管弦樂團, 該樂團在1985年和1997年之間在喬丹領導之下經歷一段黃金時期. 此CD包含喬丹的"專長", 例如德布西的(牧神的午後)前奏曲和指揮家安賽美(Ansermet)配器的六首古代墓誌銘(Six epigraphes antiques). 而在蕭頌(愛與海的詩篇 Poeme de l'amour et de la mer)中, 我們可看到歌劇指揮喬丹愛惜極佳的女高音費莉西堤.羅特(Felicity Lott): 在此現場表演的情緒成分比在2001年錄音室版本更強烈. 在胡賽爾(Albert Roussel)的(巴克科斯與阿麗安 Bacchus et Ariane)芭蕾舞第二組曲中, 喬丹也創造出一種戲劇般的興奮感. 他從來沒有機會在錄音室中表演這些作品; 這現場錄音因此補足了他錄音作品集中的一個缺口. He switched effortlessly between different musical spheres: the Swiss conductor Armin Jordan, who died in 2006, was a master of French repertoire as well as the musical tradition of Central Europe, combining both traditions in his very own musical thumbprint. Jordan's performances are characterised by a soft, supple and richly colourful orchestral sound, flexibility and warmth. Released here for the first time are live recordings of his two only performances at LUCERNE FESTIVAL, given in 1988 and 1994 conducting the Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, which experienced a golden era under Jordan's leadership between 1985 and 1997. This CD comprises Armin Jordan's "specials", such as Debussy's Prelude a l'apres-midi d'un faune or the Six epigraphes antiques in orchestrations by Ansermet. In Chausson's Poeme de l'amour et de la mer we meet Jordan the opera conductor, treasuring the fantastic Felicity Lott: here, the emotional component of the performance appears more intense than in the studio recording of 2001. In the second suite from Roussel's ballet Bacchus et Ariane Jordan also creates a thrilling sense of drama. He never had the opportunity to record this rarely performed piece in the studio: this live recording from Lucerne therefore fills a gap in his discography. The 28-page booklet in three languages contains a portrait of the conductor by Peter Hagmann and features photos from the festival archive, published here for the first time. In cooperation with audite, LUCERNE FESTIVAL presents the "Historic Performances" series featuring outstanding concert recordings of artists who have shaped the festival throughout its history. The aim of this CD edition is to rediscover treasures - most of which have not previously been released - from the first six decades of the festival, which was founded in 1938 with a special gala concert conducted by Arturo Toscanini. These recordings have been made available by the archives of SRF Swiss Radio and Television, which has broadcast the Lucerne concerts from the outset. Painstakingly re-mastered and supplemented with photos and materials from the LUCERNE FESTIVAL archive, they represent a sonic history of the festival. Caude Debussy (1862–1918) 1. Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune 9:38 2. Albert Roussel (1869–1937) Suite No. 2 from the ballet Bacchus et Ariane, Op. 43 19:04 Claude Debussy (1862–1918) Six épigraphes antiques (orch. Ernest Ansermet) 3. I. Pour invoquer Pan, dieu du vent d’été 2:40 4. II. Pour un tombeau sans nom 3:30 5. III. Pour que la nuit soit propice 2:21 6. IV. Pour la danseuse aux crotales 2:43 7. V. Pour l’Égyptienne 3:11 8. VI. Pour remercier la pluie au matin 2:12 Ernest Chausson (1855–1899) Poème de l’amour et de la mer 9. I. La Fleur des eaux 12:25 10. II. Interlude 2:38 11. III. La Mort de l’amour 14:06 |