巴哈 請再來點巴哈 義大利協奏團 Concerto Italiano More Bach Please

商品編號: OP8454
供貨狀況: 尚有庫存




專輯類型: 1CD

發行年份: 2024

國際條碼: 3700187684549

音樂廠牌: naive


請再來點巴哈! 巴哈: B小調法國風格序曲 / D大調為古橫笛,弦樂及數字低音組曲 / G大調弦樂與數字低音序曲

里納多.阿列山德里尼 指揮



Good things always come in threes. There was once the Concerto in Italian style, BWV 971, reconfigured according to the by then modern disposition advocated in Italy at the beginning of the 18th century (anthology "Concerti italiani", 2004, OP30301). More recently, the Goldberg Variations, reimagined for a small string ensemble, crowned a fabulous apotheosis in the land of the variation ("Variations on Variations", OP30575).


Here are now three completely original orchestral suites by Bach, a new fool's game organised by a tongue in the cheek Rinaldo Alessandrini, once again surrounded by his dear friends from the Concerto Italiano.


This program, conceived as entertainment, is thoroughly invigorating, thanks to the energetic and sensitive playing of the musicians of the Concerto Italiano. Original works, transcriptions or arrangements, from the Cantor's time or later, produced by Bach or others: it doesn't matter. All roads lead to Bach; to its essence.



Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750

1-8 Overture in the French Style in B minor, BWV 831 (from Clavier-Ubung II - 1735)

transcription for two oboes, bassoon, strings and basso continuo in D minor

I. Ouverture - II. Courante - III. Gavotte I – Gavotte II

IV. Passepied I – Passepied II

V. Sarabande - VI. Bourree I – Bourree II -

VII. Gigue - VIII. Echo


9-13 Partita for Traverso, Strings and Basso Continuo in D major

I. Adagio (after BWV 1016, Adagio) - II. Aria I (BWV 828, Aria)

III. Minuetto I (BWV 1069, Menuet I) - Minuetto II (BWV 825, Menuet II)

IV. Aria II (BWV 815, Air) - V. Giga (BWV 817, Gigue)


14-21 Overture for Strings and Basso Continuo in G major

I. Ouverture (BWV 820, Ouverture) -

II. Entree (BWV 820, Entree)

III. Aria I (BWV 833, Praeludium) - IV. Bourree (BWV 820, Bourree)

V. Minuet (BWV 843) - VI. Aria II (BWV 833, Air)

VII. Gavotte (BWV 816, Gavotte) - VIII. Gigue (BWV 820, Gigue)


Concerto Italiano ENSEMBLE

Rinaldo Alessandrini DIRECTION
