【Verve留聲美學經典昇華系列-Verve -"Acoustic Sounds" Series】-爵士名廠Verve最新開發的頂級音質序列精品黑膠系列【Verve留聲美學經典昇華系列-"Verve Acoustic Sounds"】以Verve Music Group旗下的經典爵士廠牌- Verve, Impulse, Mercury/EmArcy, and Argo/Cadet為強大的基底,所有精挑的瑰藏均以珍貴原始母帶重新製作re-mastered,所有此系列產品以180克重磅黑膠於堪薩斯州知名的QRP原地壓製,並以全新行家典藏級包裝格式生產,所有此系列產品由錄音界大師Chad Kassem與其聲震全球的"Acoustic Sounds"錄音室背書監製...
★Utilizing the skills of the top mastering engineers and the unsurpassed production craft of Quality Record Pressings, the Acoustic Sounds series is mastered from the original analog tapes, pressed on 180-gram vinyl and packaged by Stoughton Printing Co. in high-quality gatefold sleeves with tip-on jackets. The releases are supervised by Chad Kassem, CEO of Acoustic Sounds, the world’s largest source for audiophile recordings.
★The Acoustic Sounds series, a different storied label spanning Verve/UMe’s extraordinarily rich archive. To begin with, the series will largely focus on some of the most popular albums from the 1950s and 1960s in their unmatched catalogue
★A swinging Christmas and a jazzy new year-that's what this joyous 1960 Ella LP will bring you. She sings (and swings) Jingle Bells; Sleigh Ride; Winter Wonderland, and more! Ella puts her singular stamp on everything from a sultry vamp like "What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?" to the sweet and cozy "The Christmas Song." Even potentially shop-worn standards like "Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town" sound fresher when they're coming from Ella Fitzgerald.
永遠的爵士天后艾拉‧費茲潔拉,成為爵士樂壇百年年經典的最重要耶誕作品,她於1960年和Frank DeVol大樂團合作灌錄了這張充滿搖擺風味的聖誕專輯,為了呈現爵士樂的曼妙搖擺趣味,特別安排了一支合唱團體在錄音時隨著樂曲需要與艾拉的獨唱對映成另一種集體動人的即興巧妙。一開場的"Jingle Bells"和"Santa Claus Is Coming To Town"就是運用得宜的美妙佳作。此外,艾拉擅長的抒情演唱讓"What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?"和"The Christmas Song"兩首歌曲充滿溫馨的氣息。整張專輯12首歌曲的挑選和演唱搭配都令人十分滿意,即使在2021年的今天再次的聆聽也感到新鮮而有趣。若要挑選最佳的聖誕音樂相伴,這個錄音將是最好的選擇....
艾拉.費茲潔拉Ella Fitzgerald擁有歌者所必須具備的一切天賦。如精確的音準、不可多得的節奏感,以及溫暖的聲音和即興的特質。她人生最大的轉捩點是碰見了著名的製作人暨Verve廠牌創辦人諾曼‧葛蘭茲(Norman Granz);諾曼‧葛蘭茲有計畫的為艾拉‧費茲潔拉規劃演藝生涯,安排她跳脫出當時一般較厘俗的爵士曲目範圍,挑戰一些音樂劇曲目的錄音,嘗試著將艾拉‧費茲潔拉的歌唱境界提昇至藝術的層面。一連串在Verve廠牌下的“歌曲大全輯「The complete songbook」錄音使得艾拉‧費茲潔拉的作品質量均佳;她輕亮、優美、幸福的嗓音可以更深入傳達到社會大眾的耳中。在1938年以演唱“A-Tisket, A-Tasket"一曲聲名鵲起,可跨越三個八度的寬廣音域、揮灑自如的擬聲技法及幽默風趣的臨場台風使其作品量多且質精,均是足以留名青史的歌唱藝術典範逸作,不僅為其超過半個世紀的爵士生涯奠定下深厚根基,更建立起“爵士第一天后"的無上美譽...
1.Jingle Bells (Side A)
2.Santa Claus Is Comin To Town (Side A)
3.Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Side A)
4.What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? (Side A)
5.Sleigh Ride (Side A)
6.The Christmas Song (Side A)
7.Good Morning Blues (Side B)
8.Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! (Side B)
9.Winter Wonderland (Side B)
10.Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (Side B)
11.Frosty the Snowman (Side B)
12.White Christmas (Side B)